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Saturday 22 June 2024

Reality of tips & tricks videos

All those videos are completely fake.

Here's why;

  • First of all the thing is that they don't even know what they are talking about for instance, I searched on YouTube "How to read fat engineering books effectively", and the results would shock you.
  • Everybody on the internet is giving their own advice; I don't think that it is ok to take some stranger's advice.
  • Most importantly you are just wasting your time; by just watching those people telling you stuff that you already know pretty well.
  • I'm not saying that you should completely eliminate watching YouTube videos; There are plenty of good lectures, tutorials, Projects, and ya that's all
  • But let me tell you one thing, before the era of YouTube people were still graduating, living, and dying the exact same way that people do right now, but the main difference is that people have less patience, they can't wait; they want everything instantly, they want to become rich, they wanna become healthy; but all those things could not happen overnight. 
  • so stay calm and work - Dev Parmar
  • I'll add more cons...... stay tuned!!!!!

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